It is remarkable to look back at the history of Australian mining, and see how much we have advanced through technology and experience, especially when it comes to safety and efficiency. Two factors that are at the forefront of not only our government but also the public eye.
And one area that is significantly improved is our ability to get mining personnel and equipment safety to difficult locations, such as first-on-site surveyors, engineers and drillers. On top of that, being able to reduce time-critical maintenance like pipeline servicing where efficiency is paramount.
How do BHP Billiton use their Argo ATV’S?
BHP Billiton is one such a mining company who use Argo ATVs due to their flexibility to tackle any terrain with utmost safety with a zero-fatality rate recorded over the last 39 years. BHP Billiton is, for example, using Argo ATV’s in the Port Hedland harbour and surrounding mud flat areas to take seabed samples.
Accessing these mud flats and similar areas was a massive challenge at low tide, and severely hazardous in any traditional vehicle due to low water levels and mud. Regular vehicles, nor are boats, able to do the job effectively or efficiently. What the BHP Billiton team needed was an amphibious vehicle that could both float and drive on mud, and was environmentally friendly.
Argo Atv’s were the perfect solution, being unique vehicles that can tackle water, mud and dry land with outstanding reliability. The Argo’s installed tracks also decreased the ground bearing pressure to 4.6 kPa (0.67 PSI) when fully loaded, letting the vehicle easily traverse areas that would be near impossible to access, even on foot!
Would An Argo ATV Suit Your Project?
It is not only BHP Billiton that are putting Argo ATVs to work, ferry drillers use Argo’s in harbours, and scientists and researchers are using them to study and collect samples on mud flats.
But the first thing we would recommend is having a look at some Argo ATVs that are designed for mining applications. You can find them here.
The range of Argo ATVs is quite extensive. There are also numerous options you can kit your Argo ATV’s out with to get jobs done faster, and safer.
Some options include optional tracks and various safety options including lights on function, battery isolation, reflector striping, additional handholds, radio communications, a rotating siren/beacon, additional lighting, a robust sun canopy, reversing and handbrake alarms. You can also install a Ferno71 stretcher and a custom rack if you need the perfect vehicle for emergency rescues in difficult to access locations.
Can You Carry Additional Equipment?
Yes, excitingly Argo ATVs can now have a towable trailer that can tackle the same terrain as the Argo itself, without affecting performance, safety or reliability. This trailer is perfect for companies like BHP Billiton who use it to transport equipment and supplies to and from the marine areas.
We need to thank Gary May, the Environmental Superintendent for the MPDJV at the ADP Port projects for his guidance, support and time with developing the new Argo trailer. Thanks Gary!
What Is Install For The Future Of Mining Equipment?
The big challenge today is to accelerating site production and efficiency to meet targets. And we believe this will only continue to tighten in the next decade and beyond. Argo ATVs are designed to help here, to transport work crews, tools and equipment quickly and easily across difficult locations and lower transport expenses.
Having flexible, safe and reliable vehicles will only get more demanding, that is why Argo ATVs are designed to outperform traditional 4WDs in demanding locations such as bushland, mud plains and lakes. Many mining sites are even reducing the number of people carriers their sites require.
Get In Touch With The ARGO Team
While you cannot just yet put your Argo on autopilot to do your wedding or feed your cattle while you sleep in, Argo ATVs do lead the way when it comes to micro and hobby farming technology. Farmers are using Argo’s to safely and effectively cross difficult terrains like thick weeds, ice, mud, snow, sand and even dams.
If you would like to know more about how BHP Billiton and other mining sites are improving safety, reliability and crew output, please get in touch with the Argo team today on 1300 731 082.