Aurora 950 R
The Aurora 950 R offers everything the 850 offers plus a Certified Roll Over Protection System (ROPS). So now, not only can you access the that difficult terrain in what we believe is the World’s safest XTV, but you can also...
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Conquest Pro 950 XT-L 8×8
When you have a critical job that needs to get done, you can’t call your boss and say, “We can’t get there.” That’s inexcusable. The new Conquest Pro 950 XT-L with ROPS gives you the can-do confidence as soon as you...
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Conquest Pro 950 XT-X 8×8
When you have a critical job that needs to get done, you can’t call your boss and say, “We can’t get there.” That’s inexcusable. The new Conquest Pro 950 XT-X with ROPS gives you the can-do confidence as soon as you...
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Vehicles used in Mining
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Case Study - BHP Biliton
- Before:Action:Results:
- There has been a requirement to drill and sample the sea bed in the Port Hedland harbour and peripheral areas of the harbour such as mud flats and Mangrove forests, for the RGP 5 project. To get into these areas at high tide is not such a problem, but at low tide it is very difficult and hazardous due to low water levels and mud. Conventional vehicles are no good nor are boats. What we needed was something that could float and drive on mud, and was environmentally friendly.Therefore the Argo all terrain vehicle which can run on water, mud or dry land was purchased for the ADP Port projects. The Argo’s tracks reduce the ground bearing pressure when fully loaded to 4.6 kPa (0.67 PSI) allowing the vehicle to traverse soft areas that would be difficult or impossible to access on foot. To date, the Argo has been used to ferry drillers to the Jack Up barge in the harbour and to transport scientists and researchers on the mud flats to collect samples.The Argo is fitted with various safety accessories including; ROP S, forward facing seats, seatbelts, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, battery isolation, lights on feature, reflectorised striping, rotating beacon, hand holds, radio communications, additional lighting, sun canopy, and reversing and handbrake alarms. A Ferno 71stretcher and custom rack is also fitted for emergency rescue. The Argo now has a towable trailer which handles exactly the same terrain as the Argo itself and a brand new easy access trailer for transport to and from the marine areas. This was a very good initiative that meant our crews can work around the clock and no longer have to work-in with the tides. This initiative was started and handled by Gary May, the Environmental Superintendent for the MPDJV at the ADP Port projects. Well done Gary and thanks for your ideas and continued contribution to HSEC.